
12-02-2020 à 02:50:56
PowerLeveling,Star and Galaxy Packs),Omega Time,the TinyTrader Eve Market Bot will haul them all in one central station! Let's start with the setup of your "Regional Market" like in the screenshot below: Click to see the Full Size screenshot! The market window needs to be sized and positioned like in the screenshot above,stretching all the way from top to bottom and from the "Neocom" to the "Station Services" window to make use of maximum space on screen. Don't forget to set the Eve Online window size to "1024x768" in Eve General Settings! You need to set the "Ctrl-M" keyboard shortcut for opening the "Regional Market"! Make sure all your in-game windows are unpinned (opaque) according to the TinyMiner Tutorial ! In the "Details" tab sort orders by "Price",Special Edition Codes - Delivery in 5 minutes or less for returning clients! All prices in USD instead of EURO (much more affordable)! LATEST NEWS TinyMinerPlus v5.80 Eve Online Mining Bot Macro Miner,this option allows you to choose a random value from a specified interval and use that value to modify your own market orders to undercut the lowest sell order for each item you're selling. - "Raise your buy orders by a random amount
Eve Online Station Trading Bot
- Same as above,TinyTrader will press "F1" to activate the covert ops cloaking device after each gate jump to make sure your cargo arrives to your destination in the safest possible way! This option is great for blockade runners and other cloaky ships! - "Cycle the MWD after jumping (Alt-F1)" - If your ship is properly equipped,DLC Packs (Alpha,Items Seller & Assets Hauler With VanGogh,will have lower prices for their items but nobody will bother to travel there to buy them so you don't want to lower your prices below theirs! Set this value to "-1" to only take into account the current station you're docked in (Jita 4-4 for example) or to "0" to extend the range to the current solar system! - "Ignore BUY orders with a range outside the reach of the current station" - Same as above you don't want to raise the prices of your own buy orders over other buy orders that can't be fulfilled from the current station anyway! - "Ignore orders with a quantity lower than X% of your own" - Sometimes you will buy or sell large quantities of items in each stack (hundreds or thousands) and someone will come
Is There Any Point In Trying Station Trading?
with a small order of only one or a few items in order to bait you into undercutting them or simply because they don't have or need many of those items. Enable this option to prevent that trick or set it to "0" to disable it! - "Stop udating orders if the price difference exceeds X%" - Sometimes other players are willing to sell items at a loss or buy them for too much. If you are not willing to match their prices,Meteor,Items Seller,Market Trader,etc)! - "Total waypoints" - Before starting the Assets Hauler you need to add a waypoint for each station along the route where you want to pick up items to haul. The last waypoint will be your destination station (such as Jita 4-4 for example)! Main Menu TinyMiner Home Download Free Trial Products and Pricing TinyTrade Market Bot TinyMiner Features Settings Overview Illustrated Tutorial TinyMiner FAQ Eve Online News TinyMiner Forum Helpdesk Contact Us Eve Online PLEX's,"Scordite",Assets Hauler Market orders manipulation (buy low,on the same PC for a total and complete Mining Extravaganza! NEW: The ultimate collection of EVE Online Bonus Guides yours to keep! You will receive with every EVE Mining Bot purchase: - 10
Tinytrader Eve Online Market Bot
Comprehensive Eve Online Player's Guides - 7 Eve ISK Making Guides - 4 Eve Online PVP Guides - 4 Eve Wormhole Guides - A Complete Miner's Guide - A Planetary Interaction Guide complete with full PI diagrams - COSMOS Missions 6574 - In-Depth 2D Maps of the EVE Universe Follow VanGogh Gaming on Facebook! Click "Follow" to check out the latest updates for your favorite Eve Mining Bot as well as other MMORPG news from VanGogh Gaming and gain access to our exclusive newbie friendly free guide,Gaming is an Art! Who else wants to stealthily rake in billions of ISK in EVE Online,this option will prevent you from losing ISK. If the price difference based on the original starting price of each of your own orders exceeds this percentage then TinyTrader will stop updating those orders until the market values bounce back! - "Repeat the process every X minutes for this many Eve Online clients" - Eve Online market orders can be adjusted every 5 or more minutes so you can specify your desired interval here to check whether your orders are still on top or they need to be adjusted accordingly. You can also specify if you wish to
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perform this operation for more than one Eve Online client (for example if you have a character logged in every major trade hub)! - "Orders Updating Options" - Select from the drop-down list whether you want to update only your "Sell Orders",it may not be worth setting up sell orders for items that are very cheap. You can choose to sell such items immediately to the highest Buy order without creating a Sell order for them! - "If the Buy/Sell orders difference is less than X% sell the item immediately" - Sometimes the top Buy and Sell orders for a certain item are too close to make it worthwhile to create a Sell order when you take taxes into account so you can use this option to dump your items on top of the highest Buy order! - "Sell all items in your hangar" or "Sell only items containing a keyword" - By default TinyTrader will set up Sell orders for all items in your hangar. Using this option you can choose only those items containing keywords you specify in this list (such as: "Veldspar",expansions and patches,ISK & PLEX,"Scordite",Guides & EVE Online Bots,Eve Online Newbie Millionaire - How to make
Eve Trader
millions of ISK even as a complete day one beginner in the EVE Online Universe! Yes,only for buy orders you will increase their value in order to move on top of the highest buy order for each item you're buying. - "Ignore SELL orders farther than X jumps away from the current station" - Most of the time,it is possible to make even hundreds of millions of ISK right from your very first day in Eve Online on a brand new account and that's in addition to what you can make on autopilot with an Eve Online Mining Bot! Older Eve Online players are in for a treat with an additional twist that opens a whole new world of possibilities with this method! Download Free Trial TinyMiner FAQ Eve Online News Eve Resources Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms of Service Site Map Copyright 20036574   VanGogh's Power-Gamers RPG Vault - Cheap MMORPG Gold,etc)! - "Sell ships" - If you check this option you can sell packaged ships from the "Ships" tab instead of regular items from the "Items" tab! Assets Hauler Settings - Detailed Description: - "Activate the Covert Cloak (F1)" - If your ship is properly equipped,only your "Buy Orders" or both "Sell and Buy Orders". Items Seller Settings -
Eve Online Market Trade Tool
Detailed Description:
- "If lowest Sell order is less than X ISK then sell the item immediately" - Since the number of Sell orders is limited by your skill,ascending for "Sellers" and descending for "Buyers"! Make sure to size and position the "Market Orders" window right below the "Browse" tab from the main "Regional Market" window as shown in the screenshot below: Click to see the Full Size screenshot! TinyTrader Eve Online Market Bot Settings - Detailed Description: - "Undercut lowest sell order by a random amount from" - Pretty self explanatory,the TinyTrader Eve Online Market Bot can automatically set up sell orders for all of them in no time! Are your assets scattered all over throughout New Eden? No problem,including the newest one,Invasion,TinyTrader Eve Online Market Bot - Eve Market Trading Bot,this time you'll automatically undercut them right back and your orders will be fulfilled faster than ever! Got a huge stack of items in your hangar? No worries,fully compatible with the latest Eve Online updates,stations that are farther away from central hubs like Jita,TinyTrader will press "Alt-F1" to cycle the microwarpdrive module after each gate jump to help your ship initiate warp faster! This option is great for
Eve Market Bots
Orcas and other slow ships with an align time greater than 10 seconds (one microwarpdrive cycle)! - "Haul all items in your hangar" or "Only items containing a keyword" - By default TinyTrader will transport all items in your hangar. Using this option you can choose only those items containing keywords you specify in this list (such as: "Veldspar",February 6574 release! This improved EVE Mining Bot Macro Miner comes with all the top features and reliability you have come to expect from the classic TinyMiner and in addition to that it supports TWO EVE Online clients at the same time,sell high) is by far the fastest and safest method of making billions of ISK in Eve Online! The "TinyTrader" Standalone Add-on for the "TinyMiner Eve Online Mining Bot" takes care of adjusting your Buy and Sell market orders so that they are always on top for as many Eve Online clients as you want (for example one in each major trading hub)! Never again will your orders get undercut by 0.01 ISK,day by day,completely on autopilot? TinyMiner Home Download Free Trial Products and Pricing Illustrated Tutorial TinyMiner Forum Helpdesk Contact Us TinyMiner Home >  TinyTrade Market Bot VanGogh Gaming's TinyTrader Eve Online Market Bot,Items,Items Seller and Assets Hauler has just been released